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Volunteer Opportunities Overview

Volunteer Opportunities is a feature in Maestro that allows you to create opportunities for volunteers to signup for available spots. Using this feature will allow you to setup your volunteer needs, generate one link, and have volunteers claim spots filling your needs. 

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When creating a new volunteer opportunity, Opportunity Name is a required field. You can attach the opportunity to an event and a work plan. You will want to complete your Volunteer Opportunity section as well as the Time Slots section before saving.

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Time Slots

For each shift that you will be creating you will want to have a Time Slot. For example, if you have a 2 hour setup shift and 3 hour long shifts you would have 4 Time Slots

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For each shift, you can add multiple jobs. Within each job, you can then create multiple slots for volunteers to claim. 

After you have entered the slots, you will select which Time Shift that the job will be applied to.

Once your event is saved a link will be generated and available in the Volunteer Opportunity Info section in the upper right hand corner. You can utilize this link to send to your mailing lists or add to your website so that your volunteers can claim the available slots. 

As volunteers claim a spot, they are added to your Opportunity and that spot is not available for another volunteer to claim. For example, if you have 4 slots available on a particular shift, the first 4 will be able to claim those and the next person would have to claim a different job.

When a volunteer is not in your Maestro Database already, they will be added to the database automatically. This is done using email as the unique identifier, so you will want to encourage people to use the same email address. For example:

Joe Smith ( is already in your system. If Joe signs up with a different email ( it will create a new profile in the contact database. 

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Adding Volunteer Hours

After your event has concluded, you can send the volunteer hours from the event to the contact profiles which will save the hours and include them in your reporting. However, this can only be done once.

First, we recommend reviewing your list of volunteers and deleting anyone from their slot who did not show up during your event.

Once they are removed, click the “Attached Volunteer Hours” in the Volunteer Opportunity Information section in the upper left hand corner. Once you have clicked the button the hours will be saved to the user profiles
and this will no longer be an option on that opportunity.