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Adding & Editing Events

To create a new event, navigate to the events section (the calendar icon in the left hand navigation), and click the "+" button in the upper right hand corner. 

Event Info.pngEnter information for the event including Name, Category (categories are not editable), Location, Attendance, Summary, and Description.
*Note: Event Name is a required field. 








Next, enter dates and times in the dates section. If your event has multiple locations you can enter the location for each date and time. To add additional dates, click on the "+" button in the top of this section. 

Event Date.png 

If this event is connected to a work plan within Maestro, you can link directly to a work plan in the green section on the right hand side of the screen. If the event is tied to multiple work plans, you can click on the "+" button in this section to link to additional work plans. 

Event Work Plans.png


If you have files to add the event such as promotional materials, click the "+" button on the Files section and select your files. 

Event Files.png