Business Profiles
To add a contact profile, go into the Businesses section of Maestro and click on the Plus button in the upper right hand corner. This will create a blank profile for you to edit and save.
Required Field
Company Name
All Business profiles must have a company name to be saved.
The Business Profile contains a number of optional default fields that data can be added to (via import or manual entry). Some of the most important for reporting purposes are:
- In District (checking this box will include the business in your reporting statistics)
- Opened Date (allows you to have new businesses calculated correctly)
- Closed Date (for businesses who have closed)
- Relocated Out Date (for businesses who remain in operation but are now outside the district)
- Employees (Full Time, Part Time, Seasonal)
Property Address
Only businesses within your geographic service area (district) should be connected to a property. Other businesses should utilize the Mailing Address section.
Businesses within your service area that have an alternate mailing address (PO Box, etc) should also utilize the Mailing Address section.