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Organization Settings

Before entering data, you will find it easier to have setup or input some basic information in the tools section of Maestro.

Settings & Tools

Organizational Settings

Ensure that your organization is setup correctly to make reporting and other functions easier as you begin to use Maestro.

Community Name

This would be the name your organization goes by locally. If your organization’s name is The Springfield Historical District, Inc. but you go by “The District”, you will want to put “The District” in this location.

Community Logo 

Upload your organization’s logo. If you have a horizontal version of your logo, we recommend using that (though vertical will work). You can upload png (preferred) or jpg file types.

Mailchimp/Constant Contact Integration

If you have either of these services, connecting them from the beginning will be beneficial. You can read more about this and find the tutorial on these for specifics on how to set them up.

Coordinating Program

Please select if you are a member of either the International Downtown Association or the National Main Street Center (or both). If you are a member of the National Main Street Center, you will be asked to select your Coordinating Program.

Membership Levels

You can setup your membership levels that will be available to add to businesses. 
Please note, if your organization has membership levels that include contacts (individuals), you will need to utilize the involvements. 


The trainings section allows you to enter the trainings that your organization holds and attends. 
These trainings will be included in your reporting. 

Import Data

This section allows you to import data to the Maestro system in bulk. More details on this can be found in the Inputting Data section. 


Maestro gives you the ability to add a reporting widget to your website. This widget is customizable with year-to-date or all time numbers, icons, and basic styles. 

You can copy the code and provide that to your web developer or add directly to your website. 

Add Volunteer Hours

This tool allows you to add volunteer hours to the system in bulk. Simply type the contact(s) you want to add volunteer hours for, enter the total hours they volunteered, and the date. If there is an involvement you would select that and there is an optional notes section. 

Note: you will enter the hours volunteered, not the total number of volunteer hours. 
For example, if you had 10 people attend a meeting, you would enter their names and add 1 hour. Each of these people would then have 1 hour saved on their profile for that date, for a total of 10 hours. Entering 10 hours will save 10 hours to each person, resulting in 100 total hours. 


If you have access to Billing, this will link you to the billing section where you can update payment methods and see Billing history. 

User Access

This section will show you which users have access to your Maestro system, and their role. 
Note: Access is given at the contact level, not in this section.  



Prior to being able to utilize the donations section, you must first setup the donations settings. 


Adding appeals lets you track how you are asking for funds. Common appeals are in-person, direct mail, internet, etc. 


Campaigns are the overall fundraising efforts your organization is undertaking, such as a capital campaign, annual fundraising drive, etc. 


Funds are where you donations will go. This can be general operating, special funds, or any other location that you want to track. 


Tracking the grants that the organization applies for and receives is an important element for downtown reporting. This section does not apply to grants that the organization is distributing, only those that you are applying for. If you want to track the grants that you distribute, we recommend utilizing Involvements.


For each Grant, you can enter the Name, Category, Description, Date of Application, Date of Award, Amount Requested, Amount Received, and a Note. The amount received will be reportable through the reporting based on the Date Awarded.

Grant Categories

We have added Grant Category so that you can organize all the grants you are managing. Once you have created the Grant Category you can assign Grants to those.



Involvements are Maestro’s tagging system. It may be helpful to think about Involvements as custom fields or tags. Involvements can be created for any attribute that the organization wants to track. Involvements are the way to get data out of multiple spreadsheets and into one usable system to see each contact, business, or
property’s complete engagement with the organization. Involvements can be added to any property, contact, work plan or business.

Involvement Categories

Having your involvement categories and your initial involvements created
 prior to loading data will make attaching those involvements much easier.
 It is important to have a planned naming structure for your involvements so
 that you can keep track of them down the road. Please see the section on
 involvements for specifics.

Community Investment

In the initial organization setup, you may want to add your Parks and Public
Parking information which will be available in reporting. This can also be
done at a later date if that information is not readily available when you do
your setup.
D. Property Options
Prior to inputting data, you will want to have this section complete so that
you can use these fields to attach your incoming data.
Registries are any subset of your properties. They do not have to be
contiguous. The most common registries are National Register of Historic
Places, Local Landmarks, etc. You can also use these if your downtown has
geographic zones that you want to identify.
Special Service Areas (SSAs) or Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) can
be entered here. These districts may go by other names such as Community
Improvement Districts, etc. Once you have added your SSA/BID name to this
list those zones will be available to attach to properties within your Maestro
account. You may create multiple SSAs/BIDs within your downtown, but you
may only attach one SSA/BID to a property.
TIFs, or Tax Increment Financing Districts are a common taxing tool for
downtown organizations. Once you have added your TIF name(s) to this list
those will be available to attach to properties within your Maestro account.
You may create multiple TIFs within your downtown, but you may only attach
one to a property.
This is where you would add your downtown’s zoning districts. Once you have
added the zones here they will be available to attach to properties.